Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Eyes Care Tips

1.      Eyes are one of the most wonderful gift  given to us, so one has to take care of the eyes.
Here are some tips to take care of your eyes.
2.      Have a good night sleep and give enough rest to your eyes.
3.      Since the skin around the eyes is very sensitive, one has to take good care and handle it delicately. You can massage your eyes with almond oil using your ring finger without giving much pressure.
4.      Refresh your eyes by splashing cold water on it.
5.      Since eyes are very sensitive, buy good quality cosmetics. Never lend or use others eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara or eye shadow.

6.      Wear good quality sunglasses which protect your eyes from UV rays while going out in the sun.
7.      Have a good diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Red, orange, yellow and dark green vegetables, fruits and greens are very good for the eyes. Drink plenty of water.
8.      Apply pure castor oil for the eyebrows before going to bed for good growth.
9.      Wear plain glasses while doing work that generates dust.
10.  Soak cotton wool in chilled water to which a few drops of rose water has been added and keep it on your eyes for 5 minutes. This will refresh your eyes.
11.  Read in good light and keep a good distance while watching television. 
12.  Rub your palms together and cover your eyes with palms to relax then.
13.  For wrinkles or fine lines around the eyes, apply egg white, leave it till it dries and wash it off with cold water. Do this regularly or on alternate days. This natural remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is very effective.
14.  Apply apricot kernel oil to prevent wrinkles around the eyes.

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